4 Tips to help you say "Thank You!
Nov 25, 20191. Start with an acknowledgement of why you’re giving the speech. In other words, give thanks for the type of honor you are receiving. If the gathering is small, feel free to adjust your language choices to a more intimate level. If you’re in front of a large group, express your thank you in a proper and professional manner.
2. Be sure to talk about your respect for the people honoring you. If you are receiving a company issued award/designation, highlight the great work done by the organization. If it’s your team doing the honors, talk about group accomplishments. If facing friends, family or outside work pursuits, tailor your talk to make others understand how fortunate you are to be associated with each and every one of them.
3. Tell a humorous story…or two! Everyone loves to hear about an incident that causes a smile or even outright laughter. Keep the topic related to yourself or something in alignment with why you’re receiving accolades. Mention the names of the people who have helped you.It’s necessary to give credit to those who have supported both you and your endeavors. No one climbs the ladder of success alone. Don’t make the list too long, but be sure to include those most closely involved.
Thank you speeches automatically create the opportunity to enrich work relationships, friendships and to show family how very much we appreciate the fact that they are a part of our world. When done appropriately, the speech is short, effective and a general win-win for everyone.
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